Friday, February 2, 2018

Racing Manhattan by Terence Blacker

Jay doesn't like school and her aunt and uncle are always complaining about having to care for her.  She's not high maintenance but she's not one of their kids either.  She loves her cousin but isn't sure about the parents.  When she finds out that her uncle has plans for her, she runs away.  She loves the ponies they have and race so she heads to a town that is full of stables and racing.  Surely she can find a job there...

Candlewick Press and Library Thing sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published May 22nd.

Jay is young but she's a strong person.  She's willing to work hard to meet her goals.  Her mother died several years ago and she never knew her father but she just does the best she can.  She has more of a conscience than her uncle and more morals than most of the stable men.

What she finds is no one wants her.  She makes her pitch to the man who's known as "Magic" and his wife convinces him to put her on.  She gets to help care for the horses.  That's when she sees this very secure building that is locked up.  There's a horse in there but it has a very bad reputation.  She defies orders and goes in to meet the horse.  The horse has been abused and is fearful.  But Jay has her own soothing routines and knows how to develop trust.  

This is the best part of the story.  Everyone else thinks the mare is no good and ought to be put down.  Jay manages to get her out of the cage and riding again.  No one knows how far this is going to go but when you put a determined girl and a determined horse together, there's really no limit.

This was a very good read with lots of ups and downs.  It was a pleasure to read.

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