Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto

The world is a dangerous place in this story.  You have magic, creatures, cannibals, and danger all around.  Westie still prowls around because her family was taken from her by cannibals.  She lost her arm to them, but her new metal one is even better than the original product.  If only she could find the killers and take revenge, she could settle down...

Balzer + Bray and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 2nd.  

What Westie doesn't expect is that the family she's looking for would come to her.  They are posing as a monied family that wants to invent in her adopted father's invention.  She knows they are not what they seem but she can't prove it.  Since she lost her head and accused someone innocent before, no one believes her now.  She also has a drinking problem but she doesn't consider it a problem.  She drinks to forget.  A drunk's word is never going to be believed.

The way she conquers her problem with drink is not pleasant.  A lot of this book isn't pleasant.  Besides the arm she's missing, the boy she demanded Nigel save had half his face eaten away.  He wears a mask now.  Together, they attempt to find proof about the cannibals.  It's a good thing they have some magic on their side.

Between Indian magic, cannibals, vampires and other creatures, and unrequited love, Westie has her work cut out for her.  This read is scary, creepy, and very interesting.  It impressed me enough I have ordered the book for my library.  I'll read it again to see what I missed the first time through.  It's a fast read even with a lot of pages.  Feel like scaring yourself?

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