Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Kill Box: A Jamie Sinclair Novel by Nichole Christoff

You lose your urge for love when a crazed vet with a gun crashes into your bedroom and demands your lover must come with him.  You almost lose your mind when he agrees to go...

Alibi and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

I read Kill Shot which was the first Jamie Sinclair novel and enjoyed it.  It left me a bit cold but I was ready to see what her new book was about.  This book is better written and plays on emotions as well being an interesting murder mystery.

Jamie is pretty sure she loves Adam, but she can't understand why he'd take off when he has to go back to duty after a convalescence.  He's a military cop and can't just put off his return.  While she's trying to make sense out of it, his grandmother calls and asks to come and help.  Her last line is that Jamie needs to stand with him.  He had her back in the last adventure, this time it's her turn.

This story involves drugs, a murder in the past that hangs over Adam's head, and current murders.  Jamie believes Adam when he says he didn't kill the girl but no one has ever solved the case so doubt lingers.  She decides that must be where she starts.  

Adam is closing down on her and tells her they're over, she should go home.  As another determined woman, I know exactly why she doesn't listen to him.  It hurts but she perseveres.  It's when she thinks about the town as "kill box" that she realizes what has happened to whom.  Now if she only has enough time to ferret it out and prove it... 

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