Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Kingdom of the Sun and Moon by Lowell H. Press

Reminiscent of Watership Down, this is a tale of mice.  They, too, have warriors, a King, and can be called into a life of service.  Sommer and his brother Nesbit would prefer not to.  But when you're summoned you have no choice.

Parker Mills Publishing and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 10th, so you can grab a copy then.

The story begins with the guard coming for more mice for their army.  They pick Sommer, who is older and stronger.  Nesbit gets a bit too mouthy and is asking to many personal questions, so he's to be sent to the Forest of Lost Life.  As soon as the guards leave, another mouse attacks their father and becomes the new leader of Long Meadow.  A cat carries the mouse body away with him so the new leader is going to blame the death on the cat.  That's not the only evil afoot.

The King is talking about pending war and keeps sending mice into the kitchen on a quest for the highly desired cheese.  That will stop the pending war.  What is actually doing is taking out any potential leaders in the various mousegroups.  This King doesn't care if the other mice starve.  He just wants anything he can hoard and he takes most of their food.  He wants no retaliation.  He also has a huge mouse that can defend him.  

Nesbit finds out there is no pending war; it's a lie.  He wants to find his brother and share that news.  But his brother is on the quest for the cheese and the odds aren't good for survival.

I liked the story.  It takes teamwork to make a difference and they managed to create an odd one.  Desperation will do that to people as well as with mice.  It's a fight to the end but it has a happy ending.  Are you ready to be a mouse?

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