Monday, August 3, 2015

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Potting Shed Mystery by Marty Wingate

She didn't get along well with Ian (he felt like she bought her way in to university) and didn't like him much, but she didn't expect him to get killed.  Who hated him enough to do that?  Was it connected with the journal she was trying to authenticate?  

Alibi and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow, so you can get a copy now.

Pru is an interesting character.  I've been following this series and they have all been good reads.  Her policeman fellow, Chris, has gotten brave enough to ask her to marry him.  She's accepted.  She doesn't know anything about weddings.  It's a good thing she has friends.

She's trying to prove the additional journal pages that been discovered do belong to an important man who identified a lot of plants.  That takes a lot of time, searching a lot of references, running down letters that might tie to events in the journal and mostly reading the journal over and over looking for clues.  While she's doing this, Ian dies and she's getting fitted for a wedding dress.  The first wedding dress was a disaster.  So was the second one.  And no one has no clues on the killer.

As the time for the wedding comes closer and the strain of trying to find a church and preacher for an immediate wedding are getting more critical, Pru gets too close to the truth.  Suddenly she knows who the killer is and she knows how and why Ian was killed.  However, she might not make it to her wedding...

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