Thursday, September 11, 2008

Book Review: A Tale Out of Luck by Willie Nelson with Mike Blakely

My first thought was Willie Nelson wrote a book??? I know he writes songs, but...

I have to admit he did a good job.

This was a very good western that is about a retired Texas ranger and his ranch, his son, and some grievances from the past that aren't resolved yet.

His characters are well-fleshed out, have their own idiosyncrasies, and there is more than one subplot. The cowboys act like cowboys do, they're rough and tough, sometimes people die, but they generally have good hearts - if they remember to use them.

The storyline is believable, keeps your interest, and it ends with an ironic twist that fits well.

If you're not sure I really liked this book, I paid Willie the ultimate compliment - I bought my own copy in hardcover for my library. This is one I'd read again, and I wouldn't be surprised if they made a movie out of it.

If you like Westerns, this should be a good read for you!

Leave me a comment, send me an email and tell me why you'd like this book, and I will choose someone to get this Advance Reader's Copy for free. Share the magic of books!


Anonymous said...

Two great combinations - Willie and Cowboys! Would love to read this. Thank you for offering.

Anonymous said...

I sent an email. Thanks for the offer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer - I would love to read this! I sent you an email also.

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