Saturday, September 20, 2008

Book Review: Eclipse by Richard North Patterson

Henry Holt is bringing out a new book by Richard North Patterson that I had the opportunity to read in advance. I expected Richard North Patterson to engage my interest and keep the story moving - and he did!

A college professor meets a student who really charms him with her intensity and sense of purpose. However, she has a black boyfriend who is going to go "home" to help his people, and she's going with him. So Damon goes on with his life as a professor...

Then, years later, he gets an email from Marissa - who is asking him to help her. Her husband, Bobby, is an outspoken critic of the exploitation of his country by PetroGlobal - who is going after the oil the country has (sound familiar?). The country's autocratic ruler decides to use the eclipse to make an example of why criticism and protest is futile, and kills everyone in the village, including Bobby's father, then puts Bobby in jail and lets Marissa go because she is American.

Damon agrees to defend Bobby, trying to save them both from death, but it's very dangerous in Luandia, and even lawyers can die...

It's a very busy story, has the ring of truth and mirrors actions happening in African nations, as well as other countries with oil...

And you're not really sure exactly what is going to happen until the end.

If you'd like to have this Advance Reader's Edition to check it out, leave me a comment and email me expressing your interest your interest.


Anonymous said...

The oil thing does sound familiar!

Please do enter me. I am interested. Thanks!

BTW, I have emailed some of my friends directing traffic to your blog.

Journey of a Bookseller said...

Thanks, Gautami, for telling your friends about my blog. More readers are cool!

Unknown said...

I am a huge fan of Richard North Patterson as I feel he really researches his books well amd then writes from his heart. I have no idea whether you have already given your Advance Readers copy to someone else but I sure would appreciate your consideration if it is still available. I am

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