Monday, September 13, 2021

Robin Hood - The Shadows of Sherwood Forest by Tilman Roehrig

Robin Hood stole from the rich.  Sometimes he shared with the poor.  The Sheriff wants to shut him down.

Arctis and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published October 5th.

Little John poaches a deer and takes it to his village to share with everyone.  The Sheriff gets there when he's off again and he kills the villagers.

This is mainly a story of war.  Not just with Robin Hood but for kingdoms and more.  The people of this time are not very nice.  They don't mind killing people.

You see how there is more than one fight going on and you learn why.  There were reasons for their actions.  Maybe not the best ones.

I was surprised by how it ended.  If you like Robin Hood, this book will interest you.

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