Saturday, February 15, 2020

Overruled! Hank Davis (Edited by), Christopher Ruocchio (Edited by)

Court can be a boring place.  Everyone takes an oath and speaks in deference to the judge.  Have you ever wondered what it would be like in the future?  Read this book.

Baen Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published April 7th.

This is a collection of stories from the old masters to the newer sci-fi authors.  I love short stories so this was right up my alley.  The modern lawyers were very interesting.  One had robot aides that helped him win his case.

One man who was found guilty got a mark on his forehead that made him "invisible" to other people.  He'd sneak into places he couldn't go normally, like women's baths.  But once was enough.  No one would wait on him, so he helped himself to what he wanted.  Nobody would talk to him and he had to live that way for a year...

It seems everyone had decent attorneys, so there are interesting legal battles.  Sometimes the judge's ruling was given regrettably.  He had to follow the letter of the law, but he didn't like it.

The stories all have a little kicker in them somewhere.  I didn't find any of them boring.  If you enjoy science fiction/fantasy, you'll enjoy this read.

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