Friday, August 12, 2016

The Methods of Sergeant Cluff: A British Library Crime Classic by Gil North

There's no evidence, just a dead body.  She had more money than she should and she was pregnant.  Sergeant Cluff has nothing except some suspicions.

Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published September 6th.

He knows where she worked and that she worked extra hours.  The pharmacist is an up and coming power in the local village and he's willing to use all his pull to escape suspicion.  He won't admit he had anything except a working relationship with her.  Cluff doesn't believe him, so he just stays in the area.  Across the street, out back behind the shop, any place the man might go, he sees Cluff.

The man in charge (another outsider) wants to charge the young man who was in love with the victim.  His letter to her pouring out his heart was in her purse.  Cluff tells him he didn't do it.  He ends up in jail for a while anyway.  In the meantime, Cluff is making the pharmacist nervous and he calls further up the line to get Cluff in trouble.  Cluff is Cluff and does what he does.  He listens and then he goes on as he has been.

This one has a very shocking ending.  Cluff is there outside the bedroom door but he stays outside and lets the confrontation play out.  I was surprised.  However, because he did that, justice was served.

I enjoy this series and while Cluff's actions might not all be textbook specials, he gets results.  I'd read more of this series.

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