Monday, April 13, 2015

Texas Vigilante by Bill Crider

He should never have been named Angel.  His personality and actions makes him more matched with the devil than any angel.

Brash Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published so you can grab a copy now.

"Outrage at Blanco" was where I met Ellie.  She managed to overcome the odds and get the men who raped her and shot her husband.  This time she has an even bigger challenge.

Angel breaks out of a prison trip to another jail and takes his friends with him on a journey to get revenge.  His sister turned him in and he's going to kidnap his niece.  He doesn't realize that she's living on Ellie's ranch and Ellie takes care of her people...

When Angel comes through, the gang shoots the husband and beats up the sister before he takes the niece.  When he runs, leaving dead men in his wake, Ellie decides it's time for the women to take up the hunt.  

I really enjoy Ellie.  She's a take charge, just do it type of person.  She knows men frown on her acting inappropriately (like a vigilante) but she doesn't care what they think.  She loved that little girl and she's going to save her.  

The wind and weather fight against them.  The gang is waiting for the posse.  What can two women do?  They head out with guns, to do what they can do.  They're not going to give up.  A Texas Ranger joins the hunt and they find them.  But there's no way to get them out of the abandoned church.

Mr. Crider is not ashamed to make the women in his stories strong and talented.  It might be because of lack of sense, but they still manage to win.  Even the niece had better sense than her uncle.  This was a really good read.  If something tough comes up, I'd like Ellie to be on my side, too.

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