Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Anyone but Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp, Barbara Cantini (Illustrated by)

Ivy Pocket reminds me in some ways of Amelia Bedelia; she tends to take things literally.  But she has one trait that Amelia doesn't:  She lies like a rug.  You can ask her the same question five times and each time she answers it will be a different story.

Greenwillow Books and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It's being published today, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

Ivy sees herself differently than other people do.  She thinks she's charming, of great help to everyone and very efficient at what she does.  After she's been on the job about five minutes, they are already trying to figure out how to get rid of her.  She's a walking disaster who means well.

One thing Ivy is that doesn't help her is she trusts everyone.  She thinks they must be what they appear to be and mean what they say.  When the Duchess offers to pay her to deliver a necklace for a child's birthday, she's happy to.  When the Duchess talks about how the grandmother was a dear friend of hers and she wants this special gift given to the granddaughter at her birthday celebration Ivy thinks it's sweet.  Then she trusts the woman she ran into on the ship.  Ivy may be twelve, but she's not very smart.  She even put on the diamond necklace which she shouldn't have.

This is part adventure, part fantasy, and quite entertaining.  Ivy doesn't know who she is (she was an orphan), she has no real friends, and the diamond necklace is deadly.  I'm sure there will be more in this series.  I don't think Ivy is through with her adventures yet.

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