Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Buglette the Messy Sleeper by Bethanie Deeney Murguia

How does your child sleep?

Tricycle Press just published this children's picture book and sent me a copy for review (thank you).  You can currently buy a copy at your local bookstore.  It's written for ages 3-5, but I enjoyed it so much I'm keeping my copy for me!  (I guess I must just be a big kid.)

This is a lovely book.  The illustrations are perfect:  Little ladybugs, cute toys and accessories.  They make you smile before you even begin reading the book.

Buglette is a very tidy bug during the day, but when she sleeps she dreams of going on BIG adventures.  And boy, is she messy then!  Her antics at night left me wondering when she would fall out of bed...

I highly recommend this book to households with young readers and households with children's literature collectors.  This book is a keeper.

Here is a link to the trailer where you can get a preview of the book's contents:  Buglette the Messy Sleeper  

Here is the author's own explanation of how the story evolved in her mind:  

Says Bethanie: "I suppose it’s no surprise that I wrote a sleep-themed book at the point in my life when I was sleeping the least. I was a slightly delirious, sleep-deprived Mama with a newborn and feisty 3-year old when my friend asked me to take a writing workshop. I was too tired to say no. As I started to mull over story ideas, I was struck by the contrast between my swaddled newborn who slept so calmly and my 3-year old who thrashed from one end of her bed to the other every night. I began to suspect that my 3-year old was having BIG dreams. And the story of Buglette was born."

Now for the best part:  I can offer one autographed copy of this picture book to my readers.  Leave a comment here on the blog and email me at info @ bookfaerie.com (take the spaces out) with your name AND address and tell me why you'd like to win.  I'll turn your name into the publisher and they will send a copy of the book.  But there's just one, so get your name in now!

And, if you miss the one I'm offering, the author is also holding a contest on her blog for one:  http://bethaniemurguia.blogspot.com/  

Why not buy a copy of this precious book today?

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Would love to win!
Laurie Brown

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