Hope of all you are having a very good Thanksgiving and remembering all we have to be thankful for. We're having beef stew and brown bread for our dinner. Don't you think the pilgrim's might have served that, too?
I've been busy crocheting and have finished two more lap robes.
You'll note that Lily had to test the red one - she says it has passed the "kneadability" test.
They're both already packed up and will go out tomorrow. Now I've started another.
What are you working on or reading?
Very nice lap robles. What is the finished size of your lap robes? I am working on a Christmas Ripple Afghan, using up all the red, black, green and white wool that I have collected over the years. I have never made a Ripple Afghan so even though it is an old pattern for me it is new. Just finished reading The Kitchen's God's Wife by Amy Tan, a great read.
I make them in different sizes depending on who is going to get them as a gift. Some are longer, some are wider, some will fit a chair as a cover when not in use.
Ripples are easy and not something you lose count on. I'm using a book called 200 Ripple Stitch Patterns.
I've got two or three stitch pattern books.
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