Friday, August 29, 2008

My Friday...

Got up this morning, ran to the PO, then I came home and read my emails and hubby took another pickup load of donations down to Good Start.

Then he came home and offered to take me out to lunch. We went to Applebee's and I had their Oriental Chicken Salad (1/2) and he had the Shrimp Spinach Salad (1/2). Tasty stuff!

Then we went to the western store and shopped for a straw cowboy hat to keep our heads cool when we're in the sun.

I tried on one hat, checked another size, and kept the first hat I tried. He was like an old woman, he had to try on every hat in the store! He kept going back to one hat he liked, but he was hesitant to buy it because of the price. I told him, you like it, buy it. It's not like we'll be buying three or four - just one. So get the best one!

Mine is variegated colors, stone and white, in straw with air holes so your head can breath, and it looks pretty cool on me. It's a Tony Lama hat.

He picked a big white one with air holes, and it looks pretty impressive on him.

So we have cowboy hats we bought here now. $123 later...

But I love my hat!!!

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