Sunday, August 24, 2008

Book Review: Fanny by Holly Bobbie

I have just read a new children's book that would be great to share with any little girl who has to have the newest toy or game that comes out. Most of us remember Barbie dolls, right?

Well, here is a little girl who wants a "Connie" doll. She keeps asking, but she doesn't get a glamour babe to primp and dress up. So she decides she'll make her own doll...

She intends to make her own Connie, but finds out her doll is more of an "Annabelle". When she shows it to her friends, they're not impressed. So she hides her in a dresser drawer in disappointment. Then when she opens her birthday present from her Mom, she finds she got a real sewing machine, but she wasn't too excited about sewing anymore.

When she went to bed that night, she thought of Annabelle in the drawer, and decided she might be lonely. So she rescued her and told her she loved her even if she was a bit different from the other dolls.

The next day she visits her friends and takes along Annabelle. They decide to play veterinary hospital, and Annabelle gets to be the DOCTOR! The Connies are nurses, glamorous nurses of course. (I wonder if it's an accident that one of the brainless Connies looks a lot like Paris Hilton?)

Fanny goes home and makes some more clothes for Annabelle, and then a doll for her, too. Can you guess the name of the doll? Connie!

This well made children's book is bright, the illustrations are lovely, and there is a paper doll and doll clothes in the back of the book your child can make for herself.

This book would work well for your own child or in a daycare. Let them learn how to make their own paperdolls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super review - many thanks. I'm always on the hunt for great children's books and have recently discovered Bayard and their series of StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks and DiscoveryBoxBooks (which has a special focus on teeth!) They have work by acclaimed children's books illustrator Helen Oxenbury appearing in the Storybox series for September. In addition to this, they also have some great activities for rainy days:,, Enjoy!

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