Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Black Pearl Dreaming by K. Bird Lincoln

Koi is taking her father back to his homeland of Japan.  She thinks he has dementia and wants to help him.  The closer they get to Japan, the more antsy he gets.  He tells her to stay away from the Black Pearl.  She has no idea what that is...

World Weaver Press sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

She soon learns there are warring political factions and they are using her father as a hostage to make her do what they want.  The Black Pearl is a dragon and they want to move it.  They want her to wake it enough so they can do that.  She almost loses herself in the dragon's dreams.  Her father comes to help her and he becomes unconscious but he's alive.  She gives the dragon peace which messes up the political factions.

Her boyfriend has lied to her, her father is comatose and she has to talk fast to get to go home.  Home is full of trouble, too.  Hope her dad wakes up soon!

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