Thursday, July 22, 2021

Tide Pool Troubles by Ashlyn Anstee, Series: Shelby & Watts (#1)

Shelby and Watts like to solve mysteries.  When they get a letter addressed to both of them it's from a hermit crab.  He's growing and he needs a new shell, but he can't find any.  Can they help him?

Viking Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on August 24th.

They go down to the sea to try to find some shells.  There aren't any there.  They talk to the various animals and ask about them and find out how someone has picked them all up.

Shelby reads mysteries so she goes to work looking for clues.  Soon she knows what has happened.  When she brings them a big shell to move into, you learn about hermit crabs, too.

This is a good series to teach your young one about things at the ocean.  I wonder where they will go next?

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