Thursday, July 29, 2021

Safe Harbour by Mike Martin

Windflower is back again in one of his toughest cases.  Someone is enticing young girls into prostitution.  As they start searching, they find that this is not an isolated case.  Several young girls are missing.

BooksGoSocial and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Windflower is in a new position at another station.  As he tries to find out who is doing this, he makes those around him mad.  He can't just take off on his own and he needs to ask for permission from his supervisor.  He's not used to that so there are some conflicts.

He's happy with his wife and his little girl.  They have another girl they are fostering.  Before the story is over, they intend to adopt her.

There are bikers, drugs and more in this area.  It's a bad problem to to try to straighten out but Windflower doesn't back down.

These stories are never boring and the author keeps you on the edge of your seat with what happens.  I enjoy this series.

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