Friday, March 20, 2020

What If Soldiers Fought with Pillows? True Stories of Imagination and Courage by Heather Camlot

I found these stories very fascinating.  There are non-violent solutions to ending war.

Owlkids Books and Net Galley shared this book with me for review (thank you).  It was published March 15th.

This is an easily readable book that should interest children.  I learned about movements I'd never heard of in this book.  At least one of those movements is still alive. 

One man wanted to be a conscientious objector but he was denied.  He fought the war but would not use a gun.  He saved many and survived despite the odds.  He even got a medal for his actions.  All without a gun.

Music has stopped fighting.  Fighter pilots carrying seeds instead of bombs also made a difference.  Some of it happened in the past, some of it is going on today. 

This is a good way to see how senseless war can be...

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