Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pets: An Anthology by Jordan Castro

This anthology is a series of essays by various authors.  These aren't cutesy stories.  Some have sadness but they are all about animals of one kind or the other.

Tyrant Books sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will publish on April 28th.

The various authors included are:  Edited by Jordan Castro with contributions by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Ann Beattie, Raegan Bird, Blake Butler, Ryan C. K. Choi, Michael W. Clune, Patty Yumi Cottrell, Annie DeWitt, Chelsea Hodson, Yuka Igarashi, Kristen Iskandrian, Mark Leidner, Tao Lin, Scott McClanahan, Sarah Manguso, David Nutt, Precious Okoyomon, Sam Pink, Nicolette Polek, Kathryn Scanlan, Christine Schutt, and Mallory Whitten.

The stories are interesting and happy tales make me feel better.  But there are sad ones, too.  Reading these tales will give you some idea what owning a pet is like.  I've had pets my entire life and some of these sound familiar.  Even a story about a bad dog reminded of one I knew in the past.

How many do you recognize as you read the stories?

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