Sunday, January 21, 2018

Shadowsong by S. Jae-Jones

Wintersong broke my heart.  Shadowsong healed it.  These stories grab your soul and make you care about the characters, even the ones of legend...

Wednesday Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 6th.

Liesl is hoping music will save her from her sorrow.  She's tried hard to help her brother in his musical career.  But they're not a team anymore.  He's hiding something from her.  It doesn't help that  he's in Vienna and she's home.  She's about to lose her mind trying to keep the inn going and dealing with no income.  Then she gets invited to a party.  She and her sister are going to go and see if they can find her brother.  His mentor has died and they don't know where he went.

What they find is an odd woman and her husband.  They tell them it's time for the hunt and they want to keep her safe.  She doesn't know what's true but she's not sure she believes them.  They know she's the Goblin Queen, so it will take all she knows and all she can do to get away from them.

The hunt is coming for a life.  Whose should they offer?  Who will make a difference?

They all make sacrifices before the end of this story.  The good news is that it ends well.  There's a bit of sadness but there's more happiness.  That's what life is made of.

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