Friday, January 12, 2018

Death by a Whisker: A Cat Rescue Mystery by T. C. LoTempio

They are having a big event at the bookstore to raise money for the cat rescue facility.  It's not good news when the author that was coming to sign has an accident and can't make it.  However, they find another one that is willing to come and donate part of the profits on the sales of the books.  The bad news is that the woman who is coming, while she's a big star, is hated by several people in town.  Then she dies at the book signing...

Crooked Lane Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published February 23rd.

I've had my share of rescue animals and I love cats, so this book was written for me.  Having a mystery in it just made it better.

It seems the woman author was a bully and mean during her school years.  She's made trouble for almost everyone in town.  Some got hurt more than others.  So trying to find a killer is no easy task.  Syd is trying to puzzle it out because she knows her friend is not the killer.  The problem is that she was one of the victims and she showed up at the event when she said she wouldn't come.

Syd's boyfriend is a local cop and he's working with another detective who is trying to get the job of top cop.  Syd doesn't like the other guy.  He even threatens her with jail time for interfering in the investigation.  He should have behaved better, she's the one who solves the case.

This was a good cozy with lots of animals helping the case along the way.  The characters all seem real and have good depth to them.  The ending is bit like Karma.  What goes around, comes around.


Hillary said...

Ohh I love kitties!! I will have to get my hands on a copy of this book!

Journey of a Bookseller said...

I have a couple more cat mysteries coming up that I reviewing. Watch for them and I can tempt you even more. I like animals in my books, too.

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