Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

Lo is trying to move up in the journalist's world and this is her big chance.  Her boss is pregnant and she gets to fill in on a luxury cruise.  If she gets those aboard to remember her, she has a better chance for advancement.  She also needs to write really good reports but she can handle that.  If only she hadn't looked out on the veranda when she did...

Gallery/Scout Press and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 19th.

Lo suffers from anxiety and depression.  She has panic attacks.  When she witnesses murder, she immediately calls it in.  There is no sign of the evidence she quoted and also no sign of anyone living in Cabin 10.  She knows there was someone there, she borrowed their mascara because she forgot hers.  She shows the security man the tube.  That means nothing to him.  He humors her and investigates as well as he can under the circumstances.  Nothing is found.  And then the mascara going missing.

Is she losing her mind or did it really happen?  Security suggests the fact since that she is taking those pills and drank heavily, it might be her imagination.  After all, she was burgled right before she left on the trip and she might have mixed the two up in her mind.

Being out on the ocean means there's no escape.  There's also too many people that could be a killer.  Even her old boyfriend is acting weird and telling her secrets.  Is there anyone she can trust?

She knows what she knows, but does she?  Not knowing if you're in your right mind is very scary.  She soon finds out she did see someone die but it doesn't do much good if she's the next one to go...

This will keep you glued to your seat while reading it.  It's not a set down and walk away book; it's a keep reading book that will still be bothering you a bit when you're done reading.  The psychological suspense is top notch.  Give it a read and see.

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