Monday, February 29, 2016

Just Like Me by Nancy Cavanaugh

She doesn't want to go to camp.  She wants to stay home and work on arts and crafts with her girlfriend.  Just because she isn't sure of her heritage doesn't mean she wants to spend time with the two other Chinese girls she knows.  They were all adopted by Americans and she's happy to be American.

Sourcebooks Jabberwocky and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published April 1st.

When she gets to camp it doesn't get better.  They have a bully in their cabin, along with two other girls they don't know.  No one is behaving well.  They lose points for bad behavior and even have to do the dishes for the camp.  They get so carried away playing with the water while washing that they find themselves getting even more punishment.  Camp is not fun.

Soon, though, they settle down and get into the rhythm of a team.  They begin to win competitions and it looks like they may win the grand prize.  They don't, but they win something even greater.  They begin to talk to each other about their feelings, their insecurities and why they act the way they do.  Communication can help a lot of problems and you never need to feel you're alone in how you feel.  Everyone has concerns.  It's how you deal with them that counts.

There's enough silliness to make you laugh as well as a serious side to this story.  It's about growing up and dealing with life.  You don't have to be Chinese to be different.  Middle graders should enjoy this tale about going to the camp from your nightmares...

1 comment:

Nancy J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you for the lovely review!
Nancy J. Cavanaugh

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