Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places by J. R. Campbell, Charles Prepolec

Professor Challenger is a big man with a big brain.  He's into adventure, seeks knowledge anywhere and has no fear of what he faces.  Even if it is a journey to another world, he's game.

Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can pick up a copy now on Amazon.

I hadn't read about Professor Challenger before.  If I see more about his antics, I'll be reading them.  These short stories were way out and lots of fun.  There's a taste of Jules Verne, H G Wells, and even references to Holmes and Dr. Moreau.  They're written as classic stories with a kick.

The authors include:  Guy Adams & James Goss, Lawrence C. Connolly, Mark Morris, Josh Reynolds, John Takis, Simon Kurt Unsworth, Stephen Volk, Wendy N. Wagner, Andrew J. Wilson and J. R. Campbell. With an introduction by Christopher Roden.

The very first story in the book is HIND AND HORN by Wendy N. Wagner and the Professor is going to have a look at the bog mummy that's been found.  A bog mummy?  I knew I'd love it.  The other stories are all entertaining.  They are a bit dry to read but there's enough insanity to keep you going.

Why not get a copy and taste these stories?  Each one is unusual, well written and entertaining.

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