Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Domnall and the Borrowed Child by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Domnall is getting old and wants to do nothing more than sit by fire and have a good drink.  He's still a scout, though, so he gets sent out to find bluebells.  They drink the dew that gathers in them.  When he returns, he finds out he's got another assignment...

Tor and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It has just been published, so you can grab a copy now.

I love stories about the fae.  That's part of what made me name my business the Book Faerie.  When I see a new one that isn't too dark, you can be sure I'll read the story.

Poor Domnall, who gets crabbier when tired and hungry, finds out he must go again and exchange the sickly fae baby with a human baby.  In a week, the human mother's milk will heal the fae baby and they'll trade them back. 

The first thing that goes wrong is that he forgets to get any milk for the human baby.  They send him to milk the sheep.  That doesn't work out well.  Then he overhears that they are going to baptize the baby and he's got to do the exchange again and fast!  

Domnall is a fun character.  He misbehaves, doesn't have the best judgement, and he complains a lot.  But he works hard to right wrongs and he doesn't give up.  He sounds just like a human and I like it.

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