Saturday, February 21, 2009

My brother is doing better...

He'll be in the hospital at least one more day, but he's responding to the medicine and doing better. His lungs are full and it will be a while before he'll get rid of all that. They have him on oxygen yet.

But the prognosis is good and he hopes to come home tomorrow.

That will make it much easier for me to work today. I'll be better able to concentrate on what I do.

Thanks for your prayers and good wishes, my friends.


gautami tripathy said...

Thanks for letting us know. I am happy for you.

Brenda said...

Oh sorry to hear about your family troubles. Sending prayers and good thoughts from way up here in Canada. And don't forget to take care of YOU while all this is going on. We women have a habit of putting ourselves last, and then we're so worn out that WE end up getting sick. I know it's hard, but try to be kind to yourself. Please keep us posted!

Journey of a Bookseller said...

Brenda, his plight scared me badly enough that I took a Zyrtec for my allergies yesterday. I try not to overdo on taking medication, but I don't want to get pneumonia again either! Had it once at 5 and bronchitis a whole bunch of times in Washington. New Mexico is healthier for me and I'm doing better here. But I'm not going to get complacent...

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