Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Magnificent Mrs. Mayhew by Milly Johnson

Sophie has lived her life by hiding emotion and being "what she should be".  She was taught that by her family, through her schooling, and now by her husband and his political aid.  When she lost her baby and her ability to have more, she never cried in public.But one thing she can't tolerate:  Her husband having affairs.  He's running for PM but he still can't behave.  When his latest liaison becomes public, John and Len want her to join him in an interview where she says she never got over her son's death and that's why she turned cold and he had to find relief otherwise.  They want her to cry. too.

Simon & Schuster Gallery Books sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

Sophie can't stand it anymore and instead of following the script, she tells John just what she thinks of him.  Then she packs her suitcase and sneaks out of the house over a back wall and heads out.  She's not sure where she's going but she refuses to be a trophy wife anymore.

She travels back to the village she went to school in and tries to find a place to stay.  Everything is full and she ends up staying in the alms house by the vicar.  She's dyed her hair black, got it cut, and is wearing casual clothes as well as pretending she's French.  She doesn't want to be found.

She stays there long enough to fall in love with the vicar and his son, with his sister becoming her best friend.  Then his separated wife comes home.  She decides it's time to go back and settle things with John one way or the other.

Once she's home the whole family shows up, all of them critical with her.  They're not prepared for the new Sophie.  She tells them exactly what she thinks of them, even John.  That leaves her with one place to go...

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Longbow by Wayne Grant

Roland Inness is a peasant boy with an unusual talent—and a secret. He has learned the art of making a longbow and the skill to use it with ...