Monday, April 30, 2018

Probable Claws by Rita Mae Brown

This is a tale of the past and present times in Virginia.  I almost found it confusing.  I was interested in both stories but in one chapter you're in one era and the next you're in present day.  I found myself wavering between which story I wanted to follow the most...

Bantam and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 29th.

The history was interesting.  It's set in the early days of the formation of the states and they have negro slaves and breed horses.  There's more than one formidable woman in the historical tale and I enjoyed reading about them and how they got what they wanted.

Harry makes a pretty good sleuth.  When she's standing out on the sidewalk talking to friends and a person on a motorcycle stops and shoots the man in the middle, she's very shocked but does not miss the make of the motorcycle.  There is no license plate.  

When a young man who was a friend of the dead man dies also, she knows there must be some connection between the two besides friendship.  But she should also realize if she can figure it out, it will put her in danger, too.

The final confrontation was great fun to read about.  I worried about Harry, but her animal friends came to her rescue so it all ends well.

This one is a bit different from the others in the series but it was a good mystery, too.  And you even learn some history...

Life During Wartime by Katie Rogin

Surviving during a war doesn't make life easier.  You come home injured, either in body or mind, and have to set about trying to be normal.  There is no normal in war...

Mastodon Publishing sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published May 15th.

Jim is still trying to come to terms with 9-11 and the loss of his brother.  They never even found anything to bury.  He's existing but he doesn't have any enjoyment in life anymore.  Then his sister-in-law calls and tells him Ryan's daughter is missing.  She just came back from Iraq and she has PSTD also.  

He begins by checking where she lived and talking to her friends.  Everyone in the group has disabilities of some sort.  The counselor keeps them all talking and moving on in life but they are all wounded.  They're willing to help look for her but no one is having any luck finding her.

This is a good look at what comes home with you from being in a war and killing the enemy.  You're mentally scarred and you've changed as a person.  Many times the veterans don't last long.  Suicide is less painful than being alive.  The vet's hospitals do what they can to fix the bones but they need more mental health facilities.  They laid their lives on the line for us.  They deserve better treatment when they return home.

The story is very realistic and pretty sad.  I was hoping for a positive outcome but it was not be.  Sometimes life is like that.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Dark Angel by Elly Griffiths

Ruth is invited by an old friend to visit Italy and look over some unusual bones he's found in an archeological dig.  She and her daughter and a lady friend and her son decide to go together.  It's a very old body with few signs to identify its age but it was buried upside down and with a stone in its mouth.  That's an oddity that might make it easier to age.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 15th.

This is a tale of past history, politics and murder in Italy, one man's desire to be powerful and important in his world, and several star-crossed lovers.  The historical information was interesting.  It appears Italy's political world has differences just like US does.

Ruth's child's father is Nelson, the chief in the police district at home.  He's angry when she takes off without telling him where she is going and when an earthquake happens in the area she's staying, he goes to see how they are.  His wife is not happy but she knows he loves his child.  She also knows he loves Ruth but he loves her, too.  She can't say much because she's pregnant again and she doesn't know if Nelson's or if it's Tim's.  She loves Tim but she loves Nelson, too.  What a mess.

With a new murder in Italy and more trouble at home, Nelson is torn between cases as well as women.

I have to say with all that was going on I never expected the ending this author wrote.  I'm almost afraid to read the next book.  Who knows what new troubles she will bring to Ruth and Nelson...

Abigail Adams, Pirate of the Caribbean (Time Twisters #2) by Steve Sheinkin

I love pirates and I couldn't see Abigail Adams acting like one.  So I asked to read this story...

The author graciously sent me a copy to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

She might be the second first lady but she's real tired of living in a white house that isn't finished and hanging her laundry inside so it will dry.  He's busy with business but she's bored.  So she decides she'd like to be a pirate.  After all, even if she can't get her husband to listen about equality for women, you can be a female pirate.  All you have to do is prove you're tough.

This series has the feel of the Magic Treehouse adventures but they don't use a treehouse.  Abigail jumps into her laundry basket and travels to a different time and place.  Abe Lincoln is the one who alerts the kids that she's going to need help to get back to her own time.

This is a mix of fact and fiction and a bit of a silly read but it's an easy way for middle graders to learn a bit of dry history in a way that makes it fun. Neil Swaab's illustrations give it a graphic novel touch that adds to charm.  There's enough nonsensical things going on to maintain interest and the few facts should stick.  It's a bit weak as a learning tool but watching Abigail out stare the captain of the pirates is worth it!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Rosetown by Cynthia Rylant

Flora is nine years old and she loves the small town they live in.  It's quiet, the people are nice and she's making a new friend.  She even gets to read the children's books in the used bookstore her mom works part time in.  They do have a family challenge.  Her parents are separated and live in separate homes.  She spends time with each and is hoping they will get together again...

Beach Lane Books and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 15th.

This has the feel of the old classic children's stories and I really like that.  It's like finding a comfortable overstuffed chair.  You sit down, open the book, and take a nice walk in a comfortable town filled with amiable characters.

Flora likes the new boy who sits behind her in school.  They hit it off and she doesn't care that he's from the Ukraine.  Yuri is fun and he works in his father's doctor office in the afternoons.  It's not far from the bookstore, so they can walk there together.

She has another friend, a girl a year younger than she is.  She lives in a gated community in a big house.  That's not Flora's style, but she will visit.

Flora gets a cat, Yuri gets a dog, and her parents develop a new plan for the future.

This story is rich in family insights and love and resonated with me.  I know there are some young readers out there who will enjoy it, too.

Friday, April 27, 2018

A Shimmer of Hummingbirds by Steve Burrows

Domenic loves where he lives, his girlfriend and his job.  His cases have been complicated and hard to figure out but his staff is good and he's smart so they've been successful.  Now if he could just save his brother...

One World Publications and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 8th.

Domenic takes some time off and goes out birdwatching.  His love knows he's also looking for clues about why what happened happened to his brother.  His brother took a man deep in the jungle to find an elusive hummingbird and the man had a disease that killed four of the tribe they visited.  They want him for murder.  What he finds is that everything is not as cut and dried as he would like it to be.  It's a foreign land and they would rather put the white man in jail.  But he knows his brother would not do that on purpose.

He eventually finds the truth and almost dies getting it but no one will listen.  Back at the station, an old enemy of his is in charge and he's setting Domenic up for a fall.

The case that was beginning when Domenic left finally gets resolved but no one looks good. The best part of this story for me was the women.  The lady cops are tough and they see through the enemy. 

It was a different read and you learn about birds on the way.  It's interesting.  Give it a try.

Riders of the Realm Across The Dark Water by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

The Sandwen clan use flying horses to protect themselves from intruders.  There weren't any wild flying horses.  And then some flew over the Kingdom.  Where were they from?

HarperCollins sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.

Rahkki has a special relationship with the flying horses but he's afraid of heights.  When one wild horse is captured, another comes to join her.  The captured one is more like a pet, the one that surrendered is more of a warrior.  She came back to help the other one escape.  That is going to change her life and Rahkki's as well.

This is the beginning of a new series and it's a very exciting read.  Their kingdom is being invaded by giants, the queen hates him, his brother is injured and he's trying to save the warrior horse.  This world is foreign to the wild horses.  The predators here are larger and humans want to capture them.  So do the giants...

This author has a good imagination and creates a world that is fascinating and strange all at the same time.  I enjoyed this read.  The author sows enough clues to give you a hint about the next book in the series.  This series won't get boring...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Spindrift and the Orchid by Emma Trevayne

Spindrift lives with her grandfather in his magic shop.  He knows where everything is and his customers love shopping there.  She manages the counter when he's out although she can't find everything they want, sometimes they have to come back.  It's only when this man comes in and almost threatens her that she gets scared.  When her grandfather returns, he tells her not to talk to the man again, he'll deal with him.

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Children and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 8th.

What she finds is that her mother gave her a very special gift when she set her adrift in the ocean.  Her mother and father went down with the boat but she remembers a bit about them.  When she finds the glass ball she has had since childhood holds the Sage of the Black Orchid, she's amazed.  Especially when she grants wishes...

There were seven Sages and anyone who uses them enough begins to desire the others because they all do something different.  That's what got her mother killed.  The strange man wants the one she has.  Spindrift goes looking for another and it almost gets her killed but she has a solution.  She also has friends, which is very important.

Me, I'd like to own a pair of wings that make you able to fly.  I wouldn't go high but I'd savor the sensation.  What about you?

The Hidden Kingdom: The Nocturnals Book 4 by Tracey Hecht (Goodreads Author), Sarah Fieber (Goodreads Author), Kate Liebman (Illustrations)

The Nocturnal team is back again and on another unusual adventure.   They are having a drought and when they go to look for water, they find the pond that's always there has been drained.  Who took all the water?

Fabled Film Press sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  The book has been published and you can grab a copy now.

I like this series.  Where else do you find pangolin as a major character?  The flying squirrel annoys me, but I love Dawn, the red fox.  They are always learning something new and when they do, you learn it, too.

As they search for the missing water, they find that there are tumbleweeds, moving bark, odd noises, and more going on.  Is the earth changing?  Even the trough the water had run through disappears on them.  They persist in their hunt, though.  And what they find is amazing.  They find that they had the answer in front of them during the whole search...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Death Rides the Ferry by Patricia Skalka

There's a musical performance going on that the Sheriff takes a day off to attend.  He enjoys the show but also has his eye out for wrong doers.  Unfortunately, the wrong doing took part on the ferry...

University of Wisconsin Press and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 8th.

It's initially thought that she died of a heart attack but it was a strange chemical that killed her.  As he searches for her killer, he finds that it ties back to the first time that performance was done on the island.  Then an expensive viola was stolen.  Was she the daughter of the woman who had been performing at the time?  Why would she return?   Then there is another death, the same chemical was used and the victim lived on the island.  Was she coming to see him?

I've ridden ferries in Washington state and having a murder on one sounded intriguing.  This is a complex well-thought-out mystery with a very cold and cruel murderer.

Besides worrying about the murders, he's just found out his wife is pregnant and he's worried about her.  She was told not to have children but she says medical advances mean she'll be OK.  He's conflicted because he lost his wife and children to a drunk driver and he's not sure he can handle being a parent again.  This all messes with his head as he tries to hunt the culprit down.

It has an exciting ending and is a good series.  I'd read more in this series.

David's Christmas Wish by Lisa Reinicke

All he wants for Christmas is a goldfish.  Forget the other presents.  Just get him a goldfish.  They did but it died right before Christmas...

The author shared a copy of this book with me for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

The only thing they can do is try to buy another one.  However, they're in the middle of a blizzard.  Dad can't even find the car.  So he dresses warmly and sets out for the pet store...

The story is cute and heartwarming.  Scot McDonald's illustrations make the snow feel cold.  This story is based on something that happened in the author's own family, so that makes the story even more special.

You might want to buy a goldfish to go with this book as a gift for a child.  Then the child and David can both be happy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Ghost, The Owl by Sara Richard Franco

This is a fascinating fantasy tale that captures your imagination.  When an owl finds a ghost, he doesn't know what to do...

Action Lab Entertainment and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 8th.

The ghost is not sure why she's there either and while they chat about that, the owl notices a man harassing the lady who had saved him when he was a baby.  She fed him, helped him heal, and then released him into the wild to live his life.  He helps her fight off the man.  This gets him in trouble with the leaders of the animal kingdom.  They don't want to mix with humans and think he shouldn't either.  He doesn't listen.

One point in his favor is that he has helped other animals all his life and asked nothing from him.  Now, they are willing to help him.

The illustrations are luscious and the story made me smile.  My animals have always protected me, too, so this story talked to me.  Maybe it might talk to you, too. 

Oothar the Blue by Brandon Reese

Oothar is depressed.  He doesn't want to do any of his regular duties.  Slaying dragons and all the other barbarian activities that he normally does just don't have any charm for him anymore.  What's he to do?

Lion Forge and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 15th.

As he goes out and walks around he just gets more depressed and angry.  He finally has a fit and starts acting out.  He's cutting things, destroying stone and more.  When a Minotaur shows up he intends to kill him.  But the Minotaur tells him thanks.  He stops and wonders why.  It seems that he took care of a lot of the Minotaur's landscaping needs and he gets paid for it.  The Minotaur says he'll recommend him to his friends.  And, just like that, he has a new career.  There are a couple more surprises in the story but I'll let you find them yourself.  I enjoyed this one!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Surface Tension by Mike Mullin

He races bikes and is doing very well at it.  That means he practices a lot and he has several routes he takes.  He sure never expected to run into a bunch of trucks on the back road he was on.  What's worse is he saw something they didn't want him to.  He's hurt, left for dead, but survives.  That's not the end of them trying to murder him...

Tanglewood and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 8th.

What's most terrifying about this story is that the terrorists are home grown.  They come from all walks of life including the cops and the FBI.  How they can stay hidden is by killing anyone with knowledge and that's why they are after him.  It doesn't matter that he has amnesia and can't remember what happened.

They are young and old and in between.  One of them uses his daughter at the beginning.  Then he uses some young men.  He even gets involved himself.  But he doesn't realize the teens are not dumb and they know how to fight back.

This is a tense read with a lot of drama.  Some of the players end up dead, but not all.  There will be more in this series.  Mr. Mullin makes you sit up straight and keep reading.  He's real good at scaring you with situations that could possibly become real.  I hope not.

This Is a Taco! by Andrew Cangelose, Josh Shipley

This is a fun book to read that should charm the young ones.  He's actually a squirrel but he only agreed to be in the book because they said there would be tacos...

Lion Forge and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be available for sale May 1st.

This starts as an educational book about squirrels.  But the squirrel rewrites the book, removing the predator, and creating a lunch scene.  He wants tacos!

The illustrations are charming and the storyline makes you laugh.  What more could you want?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Furyborn (Empirium #1) by Claire Legrand

This is the story of two women in different time periods who have magic powers.  No one really trusts them, they're afraid of what they can do.  But they think it might be the prophecy coming true.  Just which one of the queens is it?

Sourcebooks Fire sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published May 22nd.

The tale is told in alternating chapters; one in present day and one in the past.  I found it a bit confusing because both women are strong characters and they are facing similar challenges.  This is the start of a new trilogy and gives you a good background for the rest of the story.

There are lost loves, death stalking them, and even angels here.  Keep in mind Satan was an angel once, too.  With trials to prove she can control conquer her powers, a hidden plot to create "creatures" that will do an evil ones bidding, and friends that she doesn't want to lose, there's plenty going on throughout the book.

Here's a good taste of what this series is about.  When the book is finished you still have some questions in your head about what has happened.  I like happy endings and I'm not sure I see one coming in this series.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Inventors at No. 8 by A. M. Morgen

Just how far would you ride on a mechanical bird that can really fly?  George is still trying to decide that...

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on May 8th.

This story is great fun.  The girl across the street is a great inventor, has lots of imagination and tells good tales.  She says she's telling the truth but not everything is the true.  When a man tries to rob George of his last asset in life, a map from his grandfather, her mechanical raven saves him.  The raven also takes the map and that's how he meets Ada.  He likes her but he's not sure he trusts her.  And then there are her companions.  She has a small boy named Oscar who has been separated from his father and an orangutan.  They are strange and act that way.

He just wants to stay home in his house because he feels like he owns bad luck.  Everyone in his life has died except his servant and he's afraid to venture out.  Ada doesn't care.  She need his map and his help to find her own father and the Star of Victory that George's grandfather had hidden.

They travel to foreign lands, run into police and pirates and still can't find the star.  This is a great adventure with lots of antics that make you laugh (a police man who sniffs out his prey), a jail that blows up, a pirate looking for a lost son, and more.  It's a great adventure and really fun to read.  The best part is that Ada is thinking about another adventure even if George is still trying to get over the last one...

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Otter of Death by Betty Webb

Teddy is counting otters and checking for any dead ones along the coast line.  When she sees her favorite, she sees that the tool she's using to open shells is a cell phone.  She lures her close, grabs the phone, and then the search changes.  She calls the cops and now it's a search for a dead man...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 2nd.

The man who was killed was married to a young woman with money.  It didn't make him stay true to her but she didn't mind.  She only married him because her father wanted her to.  He's been in trouble as a teacher for harassing and sleeping with his students.  Could this had been what killed him?  Or was it trouble with the oil drills in the ocean?  There's a lot of money tied up there and the profits are worth millions to billions.

Teddy gets introduced to the rich and snotty people of her town as well as dealing the zoo problems and the management there.  No one is making any breakthroughs on the case.  And her boyfriend, who is the sheriff, is afraid she's going to get hurt.  He's right.  The deeper she digs, the more dangerous it gets.  She almost gets shot.  But she doesn't stop...

I love zoos and the stories of the animals there made me smile.  Teddy is a good person and a good friend but I'm afraid I agree with Joe:  She takes too many chances.  He better marry her and settle her down soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bats in the Belfry by E.C.R Lorac, Martin Edwards

Inspector Macdonald starts with a missing person's case which quickly turns into murder...

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 2nd.

As he checks into the case, it becomes more disturbing.  They are a married couple but they each have lovers.  She has the money since his book sales have dried up and he doesn't want a divorce.  They live in the same house but don't sleep in the same bed.  Did he skip town?  Did he run away with his lover; that's doubtful because he'd lose the money he freely spends.  So where did he go?

Then there's the man that he's been having trouble with.  His wife has hired that man to prove her husband has a lover so she can divorce him.  They can't find him either.  

They interview the man who was the missing man's friend and the man that wants to marry the young woman who was under guardianship by the missing man.  There are plenty of reasons someone might want to kill someone and many of them are in this equation but they haven't found the missing man.  When they do find a body, its missing it's head and hands and anything that would identify it.  Is it him or the man that was threatening him?

This is a complex mystery that read well and was satisfying to follow.  I really liked the ironic ending.  It was all for naught.  Serves them right... 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Bob by Wendy Mass; Rebecca Stead

Livy is visiting her grandmother in Australia again.  It's been five year since she's last been there and she really doesn't remember anything about it.  She tries to remember but nothing seems familiar.  That is until she opens her closet...

Feiwel & Friends and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on May 1st.

I'd seen a lot of publicity on this book and checked to see if it was available for review.  It was not.  I finally saw it available and grabbed it.  I'm glad I did.  This was a wonderfully fun tale to read.

Livy has forgotten Bob.  In fact, if she doesn't carry a chipped chess piece around with her and touch it, she can forget him after she's closed the closet door.  While she's adjusting to being around him again, she finds out he's invisible to other people.  That's a handy talent.  During her last visit she made him a chicken suit out of some of her old pajamas and she only remembered the weird chicken.

Bob isn't a chicken.  He thinks he might be a zombie but she says no.  It's not until you get to the end of the story that you find out what Bob is and it's amazing.

I really enjoyed Bob and Livy's antics, and how they found the missing boy, Danny, down in a well.

This is a sweet story that ends great.  If you like fantasy, you need to read this book.  It's special.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Elizas by Sara Shepard

She remembers having a brain tumor removed and knows she's had some problems with recovery but she thought she was doing fine.  Then she starts seeing things that aren't there and situations and places make her feel deja vu.  Some things are familiar but they should not be.  What's happening?  Is her brain giving up on her?

Atria Books and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

Eliza has written a book about two characters that is going to be published.  Her mother doesn't want it published.  Eliza thinks it's because she can relate to the character of the mother in the book and the daughter was disappointed with her mother.  But that's not the only reason.

Sometimes parents try too hard to protect their children.  While she was going through psychiatric care, they took her to specialist that used experimental techniques.  He tried to suppress her memories but they won't stay hidden.

When she's found in a pool, she knows they think she was trying to commit suicide again.  She'd done it before.  But this time she swears she was pushed.  No one believes her.  Her life is getting out of control and she can't stand it.

Eventually the truth comes out but it doesn't give her freedom.  It means she has more healing to do.

The part that really makes me shudder is having someone play with your brain.  Leave mine alone; it can get into trouble enough on its own! 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Magick Run Amok by Sharon Pape

Kailyn's magic shop is doing well.  She uses herbs and other natural ingredients to make her potions with just a touch of magic to make them work better.  She's dating Travis.  And she and her aunt are trying to keep Merlin from creating too much magic and disturbing the town residents.  She's got her job cut out for her.  Then a journalist gets killed and Travis is sure it was not an accident...

Lyrical Underground and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.

I love this series.  Merlin is always getting out-of-hand.  The magic she and her aunt can do doesn't always work.  And her other aunt and mother, who are deceased, return as ghosts.  I like the fantasy touches; it makes it a fun cozy to read.

In this story is turns out the dead journalist was Travis' adopted brother.  That makes it much more personal.  They find his journal that shows them the story he was working on but it doesn't make sense to them.  When they discover what it does mean, it gets very dangerous.  There are court cases, attorneys involved and death around the corner.

When Kailyn gets threatened, her cat familiars save her.  But she's not out of danger yet...

This was an enjoyable read and I'd love to read more about these characters.  They make me laugh, even with the danger.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Too Close to Breathe by Olivia Kiernan

It starts with a woman hanging from a rafter in her home. But she's not the only victim...

Dutton shared this book with me for a review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.

This is the first book in a new series and I'm anxious to read more about Frankie.  She's been hurt on the job and she won't give up when she's told to.  She will chase down the killer even if she dies doing it.  I admire her tenacity.  

They're hoping it was suicide but there's no note and nothing for her to have stood on to have done it by herself.  The autopsy finds more injuries from the past.  Frankie doesn't know what that means at first but as she researches the case, she finds out.

The woman's husband is missing.  Another girl dies.  They suspect the husband until his dead body shows up.  Just who is playing the game of death?

They find they used the dark web and a site called Black Widow to connect.  They also went to BDSM clubs.  This is a different world with activities most people don't embrace.  Those that do have no intent to give them up.  But when it goes deadly, how do you figure out who did what?

With Frankie hitting dark spots in the investigation, having nightmares about her attack and finding the wrong man was arrested for that case, life is not going well for her.  And now the killer is waiting for her...

This story is tense, action packed and high voltage all the way through.  I couldn't put it down once I started it.  You want to find the killer and stop him just like Frankie does.  Don't start this right before bed.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Woman Who Married a Bear by John Straley

He's a private investigator who drinks too much.  His client is an old Indian woman who wants to know why her son was killed.  They have a man in jail for doing it but he's a bit insane and doesn't know exactly what happened.  The old woman thinks there is more to the story.  She's willing to pay, it gives him more drinking money, he agrees to look into it.  It's a cold case now but you never know what you might find...

Soho Crime and Edelweiss allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.

This is not an uplifting tale but it is a good mystery.  It's set in Alaska.  The man was shot at his cabin and killed and then drug into the woods where bears ate most of him.  Cecil begins talking to the people who lived in the area, his family, and anyone he thinks might have an insight into the situation.  He even visits the jailed man.

The more questions he asks, the more people get upset.  He's walking pretty close to death but he's still looking for answers.  He finds what he wanted to know but it doesn't make him happy.  The old woman is satisfied because she suspected what he would find but she's not happy either.  Sometimes one can love too much...

Friday, April 13, 2018

Greatest Magical Stories by Michael Morpurgo

This is a lovely collection of fairy tales from foreign countries.  They are just a bit different from our traditional tales and fun to read.  I still enjoy fairy tales so I had to read this one.

Barron's Educational Series and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.

Anyone who likes fairy tales will enjoy this read.  My favorite was about the princess and the frog.  She doesn't have to kiss him, she has to do something else.

The illustrations of Rumpelstiltskin make it worth buying the book for them.  He looks just like you think he would.

This is a new look at old tales with nice little twists to the stories.  Try it, you'll like it. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Hole in One by Judy Penz Sheluk

They're hoping to promote their antique shop by sponsoring a hole in one golf tournament.  It's to benefit kids.  Arabella is even going to play although she's not the best golfer.  It gets worse when she goes after a ball she's hit in the bushes and finds a dead body...

The author and Goddess Fish Blog Tours shared this book with me to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can grab a copy now.

Arabella is in between men at the moment.  She divorced her husband and her former cop boyfriend gave up on her because she still loves him.  Her partner has a new love interest but she doesn't have the best taste in men.  When Arabella's ex is accused of the murder, she decides to investigate herself.  It doesn't matter if her old boyfriend tells her to stay out of it...

Everyone in this story was very authentic.  They had the foibles and failures that normal people do and they made mistakes along the way.  For me, it made the story seem more real.  Arabella has been sleeping with her ex despite his new girlfriend.  She knows she shouldn't but she can't help herself.  I hope in the future she realizes what everyone else knows:  She still loves him.

There's a secret cult in town, an antique dealer who is dying, there's another murder, and several people are jailed and then released.  I'm glad Arabella kept digging because the police didn't seem to be.

The ending holds a lot of surprises.  It was a good cozy mystery with a lot going on.  I'd read another in this series.

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Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found HERE.

Happy reading and good luck! 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Murder on Union Square by Victoria Thompson

Sarah and Frank want to adopt the little girl they are raising.  When her guardian dies, they go to visit the attorney to make it official.  But there's a small problem.  The lady who had her was married to another man when she got impregnated by a lover and the child is now his responsibility.  They have to get him to sign off his parental rights.  He doesn't seem to object but, unfortunately, he doesn't live long enough to sign...

Berkley and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 1st.

When Frank discovers him dead in his dressing room, the woman who finds him there screams and accuses him of murder.  He goes to jail denying the charge and Sarah finds a lawyer to bail him out.  Then they begin their own hunt for the murderer.

He was killed at the theater and there's plenty of gossip and affairs going on.  Not only that but they have not joined the Syndicate (a union of actors who are guaranteed work).  The lead lady likes to choose her own roles, her own leading men, and sleeping with the leading man before going on the stage.  Her husband finds her the venues but she's aging, their plays aren't as popular nowadays and things are not going well.  A murder will bring them notoriety but whether that will be good or bad is another worry.

Frank and Sarah find out there are any number of reasons the lead man and the parent of the child they want to adopt might have been killed.  He's sleeping with the lead lady and she's married.  He has a girlfriend who says they are getting married.  There's another man in love with the girlfriend.  Nobody is telling the whole truth.

This was a very interesting case and I liked reading about Frank and Sarah.  They're a lovely couple and they make a good team.  They find the killer. Can you? 

The Lido by Libby Page

She's 86 years old and she swims in the lido (swimming pool) daily.  She's still in the apartment she and her husband lived in and she can see the pool from there.  It's an important part of her life.  And now they want to close it and sell the land to a new developer...

LoveReading and Simon & Schuster sent me an ARC of this book to read for review (thank you).  It will be published July 10th.

This story brought back memories for me.  I was a finance director in the past and if you mentioned closing the pool because it never made any money, you could fill the council chambers with folks who spoke against it.  I also took care of my grandmother in the summer so I could relate to Rosemary.  Rosemary has memories, too.

The councilors aren't listening, the newspaper editor tells the young reporter to stop doing stories about the potential closure and the people affected, and everyone is getting depressed and feeling hopeless.  But they aren't giving up.  You have protests, they occupy the pool, and Ahmed comes up with a good idea.  With everyone working together, they manage to stop the company from acquiring it.

Some of the characters disappointed me by their actions but they redeemed themselves before the story was over.  This was like a trip back in the past for me and I enjoyed reading about the young journalist and the older lady.  They make a good team!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The New Neighbors by Simon Lelic

You never really know all about the person you live with.  Everyone has some secrets.  But in some instances, what you don't know might kill you...

Berkley and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It is being published today.

The author has his characters each take turns writing a chapter so you get the story from two points of view.  At first, it didn't provide the continuity I would like but as the story went on, it got better.

This is about fathers who abuse their children.  Some is mental abuse, some is physical abuse but it's the type of hurt that can permanently alter a child.    Syd has been broken and is trying to heal.  She trusts and loves Jack.  Jack loves her.  But will that be enough?

The story is filled with tension and psychological trauma.  It moves right along and makes you wonder what's coming next.

I hate this subject matter.  There's a lot of pain in the world but I just cannot imagine a father who enjoys controlling and hurting his own child.  It's out there and we get an insight into how these girls were effected and how Syd finally overcame her problems.  It's twisted tale and it's not the best solution but it does the job.  And Jack and Syd have no secrets between them...

Out of Sight, Out of Mind by Evonne Wareham

Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others. Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she s...