Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bad Intentions by Karin Fossum

When you were in your early twenties, could you and two other friends keep silent about a deadly secret?  How do you think that would affect you psychologically?

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt published this book at the first part of August and I got my review copy from them and Net Galley (thank you).  You can grab of copy of it at your local bookstore now.

I enjoy reading stories set in lands across the pond.  They have a different culture, view things in a new way (to me), and they deal with crime differently.  Most of their detectives are intelligent, hard working, and refuse to give up on crimes with no evidence.  Ms. Fossum's Inspector Sejer is also like that.

Three young men have grown up together and are the best of friends.  They have shared a life changing event and it effects each of them differently.  It also makes them analyze their own relationships with each other.  

More than anything, this story is a psychological study on how disaster affects people.  Some are strong, some are weak, some are in between.  Ms. Fossum also adds the mothers to the "picture" she's drawing of this awful event, which I found was a nice touch.  It gives the story depth and adds to authenticity.

This was a good read.  The ending was totally unexpected to me.  I like being surprised.  When you read as much as I do, it's hard to surprise me.  How about you get a copy of this book and read it, too.  I bet you won't guess the ending...

Happy reading.

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