Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Due to a Death by Mary Kelly, Series: British Library Crime Classics

This wasn't a fast read but you get to know all the characters very well.

Poisoned Pen Press and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book and review it (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

Agnes is married but she's not happy.  Her husband is gone a lot.  She finds a man who will teach her to drive and she becomes good friends with him.

A beautiful young woman has gone missing and when she is found, she's dead.  Ian confesses to finding her after she had tried to abort a baby.  She was dead and bloody.  Agnes knows he didn't clean her up - blood really bothers him.  

As she starts to put the truth together, there are two more deaths.  When she finds out who moved the dead woman, she is surprised.

I couldn't guess who the killer was, did you?

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