Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Legend of the Dream Giants by Dustin Hansen, Dustin Hansen (Illustrated by)

The giants were not just a legend, they actually existed.  But the people were afraid of them so they didn't have the best life.

Shadow Mountain Publishing and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on March 8th.

Berg is an orphaned giant.  His mother gave up her life for him.  Now he's all alone and he wants a friend.  There is an adult giant but he smells bad and there are stories about him.  Whether or not the stories were true, the people believed them.

Berg meets a girl who wants to be friends with him.  They get along well and meet at night.  Then the Mayor gets to be friendly with him.  That's fine until the Mayor turns out to be an enemy instead of a friend.

The adult giant gives Berg food to eat.  They don't talk much and they don't see each other that much.  But when the Mayor captures Berg in a cage hidden by a tent, he wants Berg to act like the rumors going around about giants.  Berg says no but the Mayor threatens the girl who is his friend.  

Will Berg give up?  He can't break the cage.  What will happen next?

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