Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Shadow Garden by Alexandra Burt

This is the story of a family that started out sweet but as time passed they became dysfunctional...

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published July 21st.

Donna has a husband and a daughter.  Her husband moves her to a new home and leaves her.  She hears nothing of him or her adult daughter.  He sends her a housekeeper.  She's not sure if he's divorcing her or what.  She wishes her daughter would call.

Her daughter has done some bad things in her life and it has affected her mental health.  When she brings home a dead woman in her car, her father returns the body to the lady's car.  He attends the autopsy and finds she was hit but seemed OK.  Then she had internal bleeding in the car and died.

Donna is having problems with her daughter.  They tangle and go over the banister.  The outcome of the fall is so awful she refuses to remember it and drives her husband up a wall.

This is a sad story but there is a ray of light at the end...

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