Friday, May 29, 2020

How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior

She's 85, has no family she knows of and has money to will.  When she starts watching a nature program with penguins, she has an idea...

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 16th.

Right before she goes on her adventure, she finds out her son is dead but she has a grandson.  She goes to visit him without warning and the visit doesn't go well.  She decides to visit the penguins instead.

The scientists tell her not to come.  There are no charming factors to living on an island in Antarctica.  She shows up anyway and is totally charmed by the penguins.  The food isn't great, neither are her quarters but she doesn't complain.

One night she sneaks out on her own and has an attack.  They take her back to the shelter and call the doctor.  They also let her grandson know.  His boss fronts him the money to go visit.

She's in and out of consciousness and barely recognizes him, but he sits with her.  He repairs a broken solar unit.  Begins cooking, and it's good food!  Soon he and she are spending time together.

He falls in love with the woman working with the penguins.  When he's leaving with his Grandma, he asks her to come with him, but her life is with the penguins.  That's OK, Grandma intends to leave him her money and then he can return and help her with the project.  Everyone loves penguins...

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