Monday, May 23, 2016

Rum Luck by Ryan Aldred

Ben was getting married right up until the moment he found his fiance in bed with a clown.  The only thing the clown had on was a painted face.  That was enough to make Ben take off.  His buddy talked him into going to Costa Rica so he'd be a long way from his troubles.  It sounded like a good idea until he woke up in a Costa Rican prison cell...

Five Star Publications and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published June 22nd.

He's in jail because he's accused of murder.  He can't remember the night before but he's sure he didn't murder anyone.  He did get stinkin' drunk but why would he beat the bar owner to death?  It's even stranger than that; he bought the bar that night.  Why would he do that???

It's a good thing he's got Miguel with him.  The first thing he did was call Victoria, a Toronto lawyer who is a good friend of Ben's.  Ben will need friends before this is all sorted out.

It seems the bar owner was doing some underhanded little things there on the beach.  The police were watching him and one detective had a personal interest in the case.  He turns into a problem for Ben because he thinks Ben is guilty.

Ben and Miguel both find things about themselves before the end of the story.  They each have more skills and fortitude than they thought.  Everybody is becoming a partner with Ben in his business venture.  And Victoria might be more than a friend, who knows?

There's lot of action, some very humorous moments, and this would make a great movie.  I enjoyed the read and will be looking for more from this author.

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