What would you take to the princess' party as a gift if you were poor? Jack took a cake...
Schwartz & Wade Books sent me a copy of this children's picture book for review (thank you). G Brian Karas did the illustrations.
I have seen this basic fairy tale told in many ways, but I have to say this is one of my favorite versions.
Jack has no money, so he has to trade his personal possessions to get the ingredients to make the cake. Then he starts out with this magnificent cake that he can hardly wait to share with the princess. But he didn't think of the tolls he'd have to pay on the way...
When he makes it to the princess, he has nothing left to give. What he does next gives her the best present of the day!
This book is for ages 4-8 and would be great for story telling. There's ample opportunity for voice changes and acting out the mischief and danger that Jack finds on his way to castle. Children will enjoy the cute story and engaging pictures. Check your local bookstore for a copy.
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