Sunday, January 25, 2009

Run For Your Life - James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

I don't think James Patterson has ever written a boring book. His stories are always fast paced, full of scares, and you're never quite sure who's going to win in the end.

This book is another of his tales of the same ilk. He did have another author work with him on it, but the flavor of the book is Patterson's.

Detective Michael Bennett is the father of ten children (adopted) who lost his wife to cancer a year ago. He has a nanny and his father (who is now a priest) to help him with this challenge, but it becomes almost unmanageable when all the kids get the flu!

And then someone starts killing people...

They don't seem to be related killings, but the guns used are. Who is this guy? Why did he hate these people enough to kill them? Why would he kill them in public places?

As Michael and his unit try to find answers to these questions, more people die.

When Michael thinks he might finally have the rational for it and goes to put up a public guard on the next people he feels will be threatened, the killer goes to his apartment and takes his family hostage...

If you'd like my advance reader's copy of this book, leave me a comment here on the blog and send me an email at telling me why you'd like to win it. I'll do a drawing for it in a week or so.


Anonymous said...

Please put me down for this. I have liked all of the Patterson books I've read. Thanks for offering.

KR said...

Please count me in!

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