Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Game of Cones by Abby Collette

There's talk about a new mall going in their small town and a night meeting was held to discuss it.  Almost everyone there was against it.  

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published on March 2nd.

Bronwyn wasn't excited about it either but she certainly didn't expect to find the presenter dead in the alley...

The detective tells her to keep her nose out of it, he'll handle this himself.  But he doesn't know all the business owners like she does.  She is running the local ice cream shop and most of the business come in for a treat.

Her friends have the same bug she does and soon they are asking questions, checking alibis, and trying to decide who would have shot him down.

Even after all that, they are still heading in the wrong direction.  They figure that out when they are threatened with a gun in the back of the shops.  Will they live or die?

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