Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Stone Girl's Story by Sarah Beth Durst

This is a rip roaring fantasy tale of the type I really like.  Create unique characters, give them a quest, and let them find friends to help them succeed.  She's a girl made of stone by a master stonemason and he's died some time ago.  Their marks are beginning to wear off and she needs to find another stonemason so they don't turn back into rocks...

Clarion Books and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published April 3rd.

The big turtle has already frozen in place.  The others are starting to slow down.  Their marks must be made again to keep them alive.  She decides to go to the nearest town and find one.  She's going alone but the birds follow her.  They can help her so she allows them to go along.  After all, it's lonely all by herself.

She finds that people mistake her for a human at first.  Then she finds out everyone has a keeper in the town.  No one's ever owned her and now everyone wants to keep her!

She's twelve years old in size and shape and she was built by a loving father, she doesn't want to be anyone's slave.  She can also think for herself, so she debates over how to get the help she needs without being conquered. There's plenty of action, lots of excitement, and just when it becomes the most intense, she makes a discovery that can save them all.  

This was an excellent read and young adults should be reminded of the excitement of the Harry Potter series.  Buy it, you'll like it.

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