Saturday, August 12, 2017

StarPassage: Book Two, Heroes and Martyrs by Clark Rich Burbidge

The stories this author creates are very different from others I've read.  He mixes historical facts and dangerous times with time travel and a bit of religion.  As odd as it sounds, it works.  It all began when they found this old relic that looks like a star Christmas ornament in an antique store.  They found out what it could do and they know they have to protect it from the Trackers.

PR by the Book sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can buy a copy now.  You might want to get the first one so you can start this adventure at the beginning.

It begins with a car accident.  One brother is just bruised, the other has broken his back.  The older brother isn't going to give up, he's going to keep fighting.  But the younger brother can't forgive himself.  That's what makes the star take him and his friends to a bicycle rally so he meets someone who gives him encouragement and help.

From there, they end up visiting D-Day and helping their great grandfather as well as getting more advice and knowledge.  They even manage to visit the major event on 9-11.  There they save their aunt.  I have to admit that going back and saving people from death sounds good but it can have an impact on the future they live in.  It doesn't seem to in this story.  I also appreciated that the boy with the legs paralyzed didn't change the life changing event that caused it.  He could have.  But he's beginning to understand that the events of life change you and make you grow.

The Trackers catch up with them and the story gets increasingly tense towards the end.  It looks like everything ended the best way and the Trackers are gone.  But they're not...

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