Monday, April 3, 2017

Orphan Train Girl by Christina Baker Kline

When Molly steals an old ratty third copy of a book from the library, she's caught.  She has to do community service to make up for her transgression.  She's sent to clean the attic of a woman in her nineties.  She's willing and able to do it but she doesn't know she's going to get a history lesson, too.

HarperCollins and Edelweiss let me read a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It will be published May 2nd.

Molly can't imagine how old Vivian must be.  But she's quiet and respectful and they get along fine.  They also find out that they are both orphans.  As they share their stories, they find some things in common.

Vivian and her family immigrated.  Her family all died in an apartment fire (her mother and father died tried to get the boys out).  She was put on an orphan train and sent west to find a new home.

Molly is a product of the current foster system.  She's having trouble finding a family that wants her.  The new one she is in has a supportive male but the woman isn't sure and is always finding things that Molly has done wrong.  When Vivian gives Molly a book to read, the woman accuses of her stealing it like she did the library book.  When the man calls Vivian and finds it's true, the woman apologizes and things change a bit in the household.

I enjoy stories of the past even if it wasn't a very easy life back then.  I also enjoy the tales of young and old sharing times and stories.  I spent a lot of time with both sets of grandparents in my life and they are some of my fondest memories.  Here's a chance to share some time with an interesting older lady.

This is very good read that sounds a lot like the classic stories of the past.  I liked it.  How about you?

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