Friday, April 21, 2017

Heir to the Lamp (Genie Chronicles #1) by Michelle Lowery Combs

All she wants to do is win her basketball game.  She's been fouled and has the opportunity to make her free throws and win.  But her last throw doesn't go in the basket.  She goes back to the locker room full of despair but mumbles on the way in that she wished they'd won the game.  Everyone coming in the door after her tells her how marvelous her game was and how happy they are they won.  They won?  But they lost!

World Weaver Press sent me a copy of this book to read for review (thank you).  It has been published and you can get a copy now.

The main character is a thirteen year old adopted girl.  She has great parents, siblings of all races, and life is good.  But nothing this fantastic has happened to her before.  It's a good thing she has a grandma that is willing to fill her in.  It seems her parents were a bit different.  Her mother was djinn.  There's a magic lamp and a journal her mother wrote.  She has much to learn about her heritage.  The problem is that there are new people in town and they are after her.  Having a djinn as a slave is real handy.  You can command them to use their magic for your purposes.  It's a good thing she has a secret weapon.  She has the guardian of the lamp as an ally.

There's action, adventure, and new worlds to explore in this story.  The words flow well, the story is interesting and it was fun to watch the magic.  Even more, she learns if her new "almost" boyfriend is a friend or foe.

I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

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