Monday, April 10, 2017

Duels & Deception by Cindy Anstey

She's her father's only heir but she also has a guardian.  He drinks too much, he refuses to listen to her, and he's running them in the red.  He doesn't care about the crops, he just wants money for his own use.  She wants to keep her home intact and functioning as it used to so her mother and other family members have a home.  She decides to talk to her lawyer about it.  But the man who shows up to talk to her is a young man.  He's an apprentice to the older lawyer.  He's also not bad looking...

Macmillans Children's Publishing Group and Net Galley allowed me to read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published tomorrow.

Lydia is sure that she knows how her life will work out.  She'll marry the man her father chose and be a dutiful wife and mother in the future.  She has too many opinions to make that work with the milktoast man her father assigned her.  She also doesn't love him.  But she's working on a marriage contract anyway.

Then her life gets much more exciting.  She's interested in Robert and makes excuses to see him.  She and he get kidnapped and have to figure out how to escape.  Then she gets nailed with gossip and scandal about them spending the night together.  The fact that she was in the barn and he was on the outside can't be disclosed because that's just as damning.

Duels are illegal but there are two of them in this story.  I especially liked the weapons used in the last duel.  There's also attempted bigamy to get money from Lydia.  Lydia also has another surprise before the end.

This is a light-hearted romance with plenty of action in between.  I don't think Lydia's life is ever going to be boring.  I really enjoyed this read.

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