Friday, November 29, 2013

Fireflies By Coleen Paratore

Do you have an aspiring writter in your household?  Might it be you???

Little Pickle Press and Edelweiss shared this ebook with me for review (thank you).  It will be published the first of January, so make a note to pick it up then at your local bookstore or pre-order a copy.

Once, about fifty years ago, I took a Creative Writing class.  I did it because I needed another English credit but it made an impact on me that hasn't gone away since.  I'd never even thought about taking an idea or a vision I had in my head and making a story out of it.

You can't take Miss Dennison's class but you have a unique opportunity to open your mind to new ideas of how to write.  Ms. Paratore's manta is write, write, write.  Make a note of ideas, events, things that impacted you, things that interest you, anything that might work its way into a story.  Then write!

Writing gives me freedom to express my thoughts about books.  I don't want to write a story, although that has worked out well for Neil Gaiman.  It really matters not what you write or who you write it for.  It's just another way to be creative and enjoy life.

Why not follow along with the hints in this notebook and see how you do?  I bet you'll be amazed at the results!

Happy reading and writing!

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