Thursday, November 8, 2012

Secrets From the Sleeping Bag by Rose Cooper

Sofia is going to camp.  She even thinks going to camp can be fun because her best friend, Nona, is going with her.  At least it all sounds like fun until she finds Nona is in a different cabin than hers.

Delacorte Press sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  This is the third book I've read in this series and this is my favorite book so far.  You can find a copy at your local bookstore and might want to pick up all three for your young reader.

Sofia is a typical little kid.  She wants to be important, exaggerates her abilities, and will do things she's not familiar with just to prove she can (even if she can't).

Her experiences in camp are amusing and she has a way of making a success out of anything she does, so it all turns out well.  She's even sad when she has to go home.

Sofia is a lively, sweet little girl who has a few insecurities and she's great fun to read about.  If you have a little girl in middle school, she'll be able to relate to her.

Why not read this story and see just how much trouble Sofia can get into while at camp?  I bet you'll be surprised!

Happy reading.    

1 comment:

Shan said...

I loved camp from the time I was 7, and would look forward to it every year. I remember too having it all planned out, to have it never turn out that way. Would definitely share this book with any little on on their way to camp!!

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