Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Secret of Zoom by Lynne Jonell

Imagine being able to activate a child-sized plane by being able to sing a perfect note...  And that's just one part of this adventure.

Square Fish, an imprint of Macmillan, sent me a copy of this book for review (thank you).  It is currently for sale in your local bookstore.

This is a fascinating tale that is full of action, danger, and wickedness.  The author's characters are all brave, determined to do the right thing, and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the general good.  Thank goodness they don't have to.

Christine has grown up almost alone (other than her Nanny).  Her mother was blown to bits in a laboratory accident, her father works long hours and keeps to himself.  The stone mansion they live in is surrounded by barbed wire.  She's allowed no contact with the children from the orphanage down the street, but they're allowed to play outside and know how to play games.  She's very wistful about that.

Everything changes when she actually gets to talk to an orphan boy and they arrange to escape their confinements, meet out back and take a walk in the deep forest (which is forbidden, of course). 

This is written for ages 8-12.  Several of the humorous sections of the story reflect that.  The overall plot holds together well and there is lots of action to keep the young ones eyes on the story.

Why not share some fantasy with your child and let their imaginations soar?  Grab a copy at your local bookstore.

Happy reading!

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