Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abandon by Meg Cabot

This is a fascinating tale that is based on the myth of Persephone.  Can you imagine falling in love with Death himself?

Scholastic sent me an ARC of this book for review (thank you).  It's being published this week, so watch for a copy for yourself.  If you enjoy fantasy, you'll love this story.

I hadn't read Meg Cabot before, but this story line is one that fascinates me and I wanted to see how she adapted this mythical tale into a contemporary mode.  I was not disappointed, she does an excellent job of working the myth into a story for today.  This is book one in a trilogy so there will be more fun in the future for me!

The story is set in the Florida Keys, which has it's own kind of mystery and dark places.  That makes it fit in well with a man who wears dark clothes and can bring a bird back to life.  And you'll meet Pierce, who falls in a pool and drowns, but comes back to life...

The furies are about, and they want to use Pierce to get to Death's power.  Pierce, however, is a smart, strong young woman who has her own plan.

The story is romantic, full of fantasy and tickles your imagination.  The author's writing flows smoothly and she keeps your interest in the story line.

If you enjoy myths and fantasy, you'll really enjoy this book.  I highly recommend it. In fact, I like it so much I'm not willing to share my ARC with you - I'm going to keep it!  But you can get your own copy at your local bookstore so not to worry.

Here's a copy of the trailer of the book to further tantalize you:  Abandon Trailer .  Happy reading!

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