Friday, September 9, 2022

The Winter Orphans by Kristin Beck

This is a story about the Nazis and the Jews.  It's pretty factual and not very uplifting.  But it's a part of history that is good to know.

Berkley and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published the 13th of September.

The Jewish women work on helping the children escape.  Not everyone makes it.  The Germans shoot to kill.

This tale is filled with tension and many escapades trying to save the children.  One woman falls in love but she has to leave him taking her little sister and herself to safety.  He's fighting the Germans.  Will he survive?

It's an interesting and unforgettable story.  The Jewish women were very brave.

If you have an interest in history, you need to read this book.

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