Monday, November 22, 2021

Murder Under Her Skin : A Pentecost and Parker Mystery by Stephen Spotswood

Will Parker used to be part of a circus.  Now she works for Mrs. Pentecost as a detective.  But the circus comes back to haunt her...

Doubleday and Edelweiss let me read this book for review (thank you).  It will be published onDecember 7th.

When the circus comes to town, they decide to go visit.  Willl can see her friends from the past.  Unfortunately, before they get there one of Will's good friends has been killed.  And the cops have jailed her mentor because it was his knife and he's had some words with her right before her death.

The Pentecost and Parker team goes to work trying to find the killer.

The details about the circus are fascinating, but finding the killer is not easy.  The more questions they ask, the more questions are created.

Then someone tried to burn a segment of the circus and Will had to save the man who lived there.

There are drugs involved as a last ditch effort to keep the circus going.

Will suddenly knows who did it but will she stay alive long enough to prove it?

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